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"Alter Ego Stardust 969" - Sculpture by Alessandro Piano.

Alter Ego Stardust 969 is a resin sculpture measuring 25cm x 16cm x 8cm. It is hand-signed by the artist and includes the progressive number of unique pieces.

It will be shipped in a dedicated box, accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.

This piece has been created by incorporating electrical cable ties into the resin.

Alessandro has been in love with the Bricks since he was a child and the Famous bricks are immortal still today in his life. They are also able to transform into something immortal games that were common in the 80s. This is the intention of his work. This is why he started making “Alter Egos” with 80s games. He wants to let you all make a jump into the past and see our old games in a different and “immortal” way. He’s now making prints on PET out of the pictures taken of the Alter Ego he liked most.

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About this lot

Virtual Quality Check

Source of the Lot


Item #P146424

  • Certificate of authenticity included.
  • In condition as donated.

Service Fees apply to this lot: these are service fee that are commonly applied by auction houses for the sales of this type of service. This service includes the sourcing of lots, quality control, storage, sale and customer support. The minimum Service Fees applied to this lot will be €60.00.

The total cost for this lot does not include shipping costs, which are not specified until auction closing and vary according to the size and weight of the item, as well as the recipient's address. The minimum shipping cost is €20.00. Tickets, vouchers and goods are generally shipped via courier and must be signed for on delivery, unless otherwise stated. In some cases tickets will be left in the auction winner's name for pick up at the ticket office of the event location.

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